Monday, July 09, 2007

Knee Day: The Date's Been Set

I will be having my knee reconstruction on August 23. It's my second ACL reconstruction so I know all about the pain I'm going to cop.

I'm particularly looking forward to:
  • Trying to convince the anesthetist that I don't require an epidural. I'm sure the last bloke gave me one without telling me and blame him for the ridiculous nerve injury I sustained, forcing my leg to twitch at night for the entire year post operation.
  • The wonderful frustration and eventual kidney-splittin' pain of not being able to go to the toilet for 36 hours after the operation. To counteract, I shall cease drinking fluids.... TOMORROW.
  • The incessant questions, the same questions damnammit!, about my medical history by the doctors, nurses, consultants, anesthetists, interns, students, cleaners, journalists, pigeon fanciers and beauticians. I'm going to print out a list of answers and laminate it.
  • Watching the Collingwood v Melbourne game in my hospital bed, the night after the operation. I will be groggy, in pain and struggling to stay awake. McAvaney, Commeti and Schwartz are that tedious.
  • The few weeks in bed after the operation. I hate that bit. Too much pain to read books and too groggy from the painkillers to watch DVD's. Yuck. At least I'll get out of there for the finals.
  • The nurse weeks later taking out the staples. He/she better not fuck up like the last lady. Instead of taking the last staple out, she pushed it further in there. Worse. Pain. Ever.
Fricken knee.


Glenn Peters said...

I forgot about the huge Alan Marshall's I Can Jump Puddles style knee brace I'm going to have to wear for the month after the operation.

I shudder every time I hear the ripping sounds of Velcro.

A said...

Poor Chook - If I had the time I'd knit you something to bite down on.
Good luck, and God bless.

Glenn Peters said...

Thanks Alison.

But really it won't be too bad and last reconstruction I was only immobile for about a week.

The pain I'm not looking forward to but there's something strangely interesting about the recovery and physio program afterwards.

Rehab is a project.

I like projects.

DE-ED said...

That's the day after my birthday! Mememememememememe!

Glenn Peters said...

Great. I'll be fasting on your birthday. Better cancel that table at the Vege Bar then.