A stoop of doormats!


Is that you, Chicky?

Oh, how true!
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True dinks.
Best doormat ever.
Bloody hell was just on NWM looking at the comments. You’re all insane. And glad Jones has decided it’s jumped the shark given he is responsible for the most part.Leave a comment below and tell us if you want game to die. Or do you reckon we should spark it off again.... but this time with song names.
kind regards,
"We guess you just had to be there."Just don't get me started on why I googled "rat" in the first place.
"TAB operator Louise Leydon had a hard time explaining to frustrated putners that though power was flickering on and off, it wasn't constant enough for them to place a bet."But PricewaterhouseCoopers employee Haylee Newton was probably Victoria's hardest hit by the blackout.
"I've just walked down 21 flights of stairs to get out of work,"she told the paper.Poor thing.
"And I live in Southbank, so it's going to be another 18 flights up to get back home."
I always hear someone say. well this man really isnt a great actor. i have seen some of his work and own a great mojority of his movies. and the one i think is kinda weird and gay lol is johnny nemonic. not because of keanu. his acting was swell in that movie. i just dont like movies that are similiar to something like total recal. its to much. i think movies about the future should be saved for the future. well not now a days they really made things alot more beliveable since 2000 but before when they were making movies about the future it was ridiculos. i cant wait to see the night watchman.And here's my favorite bit.
keanu is an excellent actor and he can plan any modde or emotion and can cry really well. in devils advocate he didnt try to get the cute little cry face. he look so funny. the real face that you would see when a person suffers a tragic moment such as the one he did in the movie.It seems Maddie's got some pull in the Keanu fan community (yes, that's what they call themselves). Over 150 other fans came to read her comment in the couple of hours afterwards.