Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Story Of The Entire Campaign Told By The Giants Of Oz Rock/Pop!

Men and women of Australia, behold some of the lamest election analysis ever attempted.

Straight Old Line by Split Enz

Changing Moods by Kids In The Kitchen

Listening by Pseudo Echo

Maxine by Sharon O'Neill

Kevin by The Eurogliders


Unknown said...

i am without youtube so i trust your post was hilarious yet profound...

i like what Bob Ellis Had to say

especially this bit:

Another is that Malcolm Turnbull – and I do believe this --- could have been Prime Minister now, and drinking a victory Moet. All he had to do at the crucial meeting in Alexander Downer's hotel room was stand up, clear his throat and say, 'Look, pay attention. I'm the only one that can save you. I alone am untainted by the War, by the Children Overboard, by David Hicks, by the AWB, by IR. I can famously manage money. I can plausibly promise a referendum on the Republic, which is what two-thirds of all Australians want. I'm new, but I'm proven, Green-tinged, hard-nosed, good-looking, eloquent and rich; and unlike any of you I have a pleasing voice and a conscience. I'm leaving the room for ten minutes. I expect to come back Prime Minister. No big rush. See you soon.' And the Liberals, who are curiously passive when faced with this kind of daring, would have gone with him. And he might have prevailed. But Malcolm, whom I've known since he was eighteen, is actually rather shy. And so it goes. And went.

Anonymous said...

Stay away from politics, it's so trivial.
Do something about sausages.

Glenn Peters said...

I do like sausages.