Monday, October 15, 2007

What's Hot: Myf. What's Not: Tunny.

It sure make makes me and the rest of the village irregulars stupidly proud hearing about our mate, Myf's new gig at Triple M. More exciting, she's moving back home to Melbourne.

But really, it's getting real strange reading articles like Can the Myf factor work on the dark side? in yesterday's Sunday Age.

It was indeed a perplexing article, starting with a quote from um.... Michael Tunn. TUNNY! Remember Tunny? He was I don't know the youngest kid to have a syndicated national radio gig back in what, 1990 or something. Then got the flick, got fat and moved to Adelaide. I could be wrong. Don't care.

I do remember Tunny copping a lot of flack way back then when he was almost a household name. Now he spends his time giving it out in his one man quest against Triple J and anything else on the FM dial he isn't peddling.

Bitter Tunny's still in touch with the yoof cos he's been learning from the Idol judges how to dish out a backhanded compliment, telling The Age:

"As an ex-Austereo programmer, I'm finding this decision a little hard to understand," says Michael Tunn, who also spent 10 years at Triple J. He's a huge fan of Warhurst (indeed, it's impossible to find anyone who isn't) but he is not a fan of the commercial network.

Decipher this awful little backhander from the Tunn:
"You're walking into an organisation of massive egos where the programmers turn strategy meetings into large pissing contests," Tunn says. "And they follow a pseudo-science driven by those meetings, research and focus groups like the Bible. If the focus group says 'I don't like Myf's laugh', the program director will say — as nicely as possible — 'Could you stop laughing Myf?'. At Triple J she was more or less free to be Myf. Commercial radio will expect Myf to 'fill a role'."
Yep, back in the 90's Tunny was a radio darling. Now he just comes across as a bitter old cunt.

Tunny also takes our Myf for a fool.
"There is a margin in the ratings where Austereo will have patience, but if Myf thinks they'll be comfortable under 5 per cent she's in for a rude shock."
I'll leave my reaction to Nan Taylor.




Top work and good luck, Myf. We'll have the celebratory psychedelic vindaloo at Gaylords. Table for six, booked under the name of Brian Peacock. Can't wait.


Beck said...

consider me there
in obligatory oversize ugly shirt

Anonymous said...

Ditto. I might even wax my moustache for the occasion

Nick x

Anonymous said...

Tunn was just stating the obvious. He didn't have a go at Myf. He was asked what would happen and he was right. And what is all this fat stuff? How nasty cold is that