Saturday, June 09, 2007

In No Uncertain Terms You Are Not Welcome In The Rooms After The Game Mr White Maggot

One of my favorite weekly reads is the tribunal hearings report in the VAFA's The Amateur Footballer.

This week's bombshell involves my club, The Bloods.

We were charged with conduct unbecoming during their senior match against Collegians on Saturday May 26, 2007 at McKinnon.

The specific charges are as follows:
1. That during the first half of the match abuse was allegedly directed towards the umpires from a spectator on the far wing.

2. That players no. 17, Kynan Ford and no.9, Matthew Brewer, allegedly told the umpires in no uncertain terms that they were not welcome in the social rooms.
Charges proven. Club fined $100. Players Ford and Brewer placed on $100 bond on the condtioin they do not offend again.

The Bloods apologised to umpires.

In a stunning development, Fordy was sent off in today's game against Old Brighton half way through the last quarter for uttering an "audible obscenity".

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